Color Chorus

Color Chorus, a public art installation, consists of four large panels, created for a busy hospital corridor to provide texture and color for those passing by and a structurally complex visual immersion for visitors who wish to pause for longer contemplation.


The colors are bold and the construction offers texture and patterning. As a tribute to the front line workers who pass the series throughout their work day and the hospital visitors, the color mixtures purposely reference both absence and presence. Each color relies strongly on the ingredient of yellow, blue or red, but none of those colors are themselves present in their pure form, in this way the work contains an absence, but the absent colors play an important role in the existence of the colors present.

The physicality of the work also plays an important role in the installation. The rhythmic nature of weaving constructs a steady ground on which to explore structure and disruption. Treating unbound yarns as a canvas and then using them as warp in a loom builds a place where the yarns can be impacted by both structural and random forces. A double weave system layers the painted warp as the tapestries are woven and creates a place where dual actions of disruption and construction take place in the same space.

Yellow Green / Green Yellow. 2022. 34” x 34”. Linen yarns painted and then hand woven. Detail.

Orange Red / Red Orange. 2022. Linen yarns painted and then hand woven. Detail.

Blue Violet / Blue Green. 2022. 34” x 34”. Linen yarns painted and then hand woven. Detail.

Red Violet / Blue Violet. 2022. 34” x 34”. Linen yarns painted and then hand woven. Detail.